Hello, I'm ernesto. I read stuff, write stuff and do stuff. Sometimes. I do none of these consistently.
I'm a full time geek and I'm constatntly coming up with lots of ideas for new projects. I'm a programmer and sysadmin by profession, but I have many various hobbies and I'm interested in many, many things.
My problem is that I'm not quit good at completing my projects. Sometimes I even struggle with starting them.
Bloging is one of those things I was always into, started writing a blog many times since, like 2000 or so. All those blogs are now lost and gone forever.
I think my main problem with writing a blog was that I never really know why I wanted to do it. I always thought that when you write a blog, you write it for someone to read it. I've always thought that I must write with some hipothetical reader in my, I must find a theme or a nich I want to blog about and I have to think about the quality and usefulness of what I write.
This time it's different! This time I know that I'm writing this blog mainly for myself and I will write about whatever I want to.
That said: if you find my writings interesting or useful, you are welcome here! Enjoy your time.
If you want to follow me, you can do so by subscribing to my RSS feed or follow me on Mastodon. You can find all my contact information on the website.
If you don't know where to start, maybe try these posts: